Selected events provide glimpses of Richa Nagar’s work as a scholar, writer, translator, and organizer:
Coauthoring Justice Through Movement: From Playing with Fire to Hungry Translations. Women's Center, Global Asian Studies, International Studies, Peace, Justice and Conflict Studies, and Women's and Gender Studies, DePaul University (by Zoom), February 2023.
Situated Solidarities, Radical Vulnerability, Hungry Translations, Lecture, School of Global Studies and Languages, University of Oregon at Eugene, January 2023.
Feminist Methodology: Praxes, Politics, Poetics. Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule Women’s Studies Centre, Savitribai Phule Pune University, September 2022.
From Playing with Fire to Hungry Translations: Co-building Anti-disciplinary Agitations in Search of Justice. Colloquium, Department of Geography, University of California-Los Angeles (by Zoom), May 2022.
Epistemic Agency, Pedagogical Practices, and Hungers for Justice workshop with Richa Nagar, and co-facilitated by Efadul Huq and Andrea Miller. Presented by the Socialist and Critical Geography Specialty Group of the Association of American Geographers (by Zoom). April 10th, 2021.
Transnational Feminisms and Collaborations Across Academia and Activism: A seminar on the journey from Sangtin Yatra to Hungry Translations. School of Liberal Studies, Ambedkar University. Delhi, India (by Zoom). February 2021.
Featured Speaker: Women’s & Gender Studies Feminist Lecture Series at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. February 2021.
An evening with the Adivasi poet Jacinta Kerketta at the East Side Freedom Library. Saint Paul, Minnesota. February 2020.
Richa Nagar with Antonadia Borges, Diálogos: Fome como desafio político e epistemológico at the University of Brasilia. Brasilia, Brasil. August 2019.
Provost’s Lecture at the Victoria University of Wellington. Wellington, New Zealand. November 2018.
Annual Antipode Lecture at the Royal Geographical Society. London, United Kingdom. August 2017.
Opening comments on Parakh’s production, Hansa, Karo Puratan Baat. Mumbai, India. December 2014.
Keynote Address at the 2014 Critical Geographies Conference. Boulder, Colorado. February 2014.
Book release of Ateşle Oynamak: Hindistan’da Yedi Yaşam Üzerinden Feminist Düşünce ve Eylem (Turkish translation of Playing with Fire), Organized by the feminist publisher, Ayizi Kitap, and Insan Haklari Ortak Platformu (Human Rights Joint Platform). Ankara, Istanbul. April 2012.